:: Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll Version history
5.2 - Feb 03, 2014
- Fixed 'Bad file number' error occuring when logging is enabled in some cases.
- Fixed USSD not returning result for some cases.
- Fixed GetAvailableCOMPorts returning error in some computers due to invalid
characters in Windows Serial Port registry.
- Help File and Samples updated and improved.
5.1 - Nov 03, 2013
- GetAvailableCOMPorts method now returns available COM ports as comma separated
string for compatibility between different languages.
- Fixed USSD not returning result for some special characters.
- Improved Logging of modem.
- Improved speed of Reading PhoneBook.
5.0 - Mar 28, 2013
- Added ability to read sim/phone contacts from some of the GSM modems/phones which support it.
- Added ability to read dialled/received/missed call list from some of the GSM modems/phones which support it.
- Delivery reports can now be read in modems which are able to receive delivery reports.
- Fixed a bug in which SMS could not be sent after applying SMSC.
4.3 - Feb 28, 2013
- Php, Asp, Javascript sample for sending SMS is updated.
- Fixed problems in DetectModem method.
4.2 - Oct 18, 2012
- Fixed a bug of Long message showing junk characters when read in some cases.
- InboxPart property now shows whether all parts of the message(only when InboxConcatenate is set to TRUE) are received in Inbox of the modem.
4.1 - Jan 09, 2012
- Fixed a bug of Sender Name of read messages not showing in a long message.
- Updated USSD method to accept input/ouput encoding.
- Improved DialCall and EndCall methods.
- Added Read SMS code in PHP sample.
- Fixed C# sample Auto detection modem code.
- Updated the Help documentation for Character Encoding property.
4.0 - May 12, 2011
- Added call dial and call hang up.
- Added getting list of COM ports in computer and automatic detection of modem.
- Added InboxPart property which returns part information of a long message read
from Inbox.
- Fixed a regional setting bug due to which users were not being able to send
long messages.
- Fixed InboxConcantenate not merging long messages in some cases.
3.6 - Aug 09, 2010
- Added ability to Log operations of the dll.
- Improved working of USSD method.
- Improved speed of sending wap push messages.
3.5 - Jan 03, 2010
- Improved speed of sending SMS.
- Updated InboxTime property. The time is now returned in "dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss" format.
- Updated documentation for ReadInbox method.
- Fixed Inbox showing invalid characters in message read and date.
- Fixed .net samples not working in 64 bit versions of Win Xp,Vista,7.
- Fixed a crash while reading messages from some phones.
3.4 - Jul 13, 2009
- Added new method USSD to send USSD commands over the network.
- Fixed a bug in SendMessage method in which SMS could not be sent from some modems.
- Fixed high CPU usage when Logiccode SMS sends/reads SMS.
- Fixed a bug in concatenation of read messages.
- Fixed minor bug in SendCommand method.
3.3 - Feb 23, 2009
- Fixed a bug in PIN property in which modem needs to be restarted if the PIN is
entered incorrectly.
- SendCommand() method is now improved and now supports Mobile SIM Toolkit
- Added Visual FoxPro 9 sample.
3.2 - Dec 03, 2007
- Fixed a bug in which SMS could not be read from inbox in some models of
wavecom modems.
- Fixed a bug in sending of SMS which returned 'subscript out of range' error
while sending concatenated SMS in some machines only.
- Added Visual C# 2005 and Delphi 7 sample
3.1 - Sept 23, 2007
- Fixed a minor bug which occurs while sending Wap Push message in some modems.
3.0 - Sept 15, 2007
- Added sending of WAP Push (Service Indication) message through GSM
2.2 - June 18, 2007
- Added PHP SMS sending sample.
- Fixed some minor sms reading issues.
2.1 - June 11, 2007
- Fixed a bug in which lcgsmsms.dll could not detect some modems connected on
serial port and thus it could not open serial port for sending/reading SMS.
- Improved speed of reading of messages from Inbox.
- SendCommand method has been improved and it now works similar to a terminal
- Fixed a crash issue when no messages are found while reading from Inbox.
- Fixed a concatenation of messages bug when reading from Inbox.
- Fixed some minor issues.
2.0 - May 31, 2007
- Added ability to to read all messages, only unread messages or only read
messages from Inbox memory of GSM modem/phone.
- Added ability to delete SMS from Inbox of GSM modem/phone.
- Added Vb.net sample.
1.1 - March 19, 2007
- Added new modem connection property Flow Control.
- Added new modem information properties named IMEI, IMSI, Manufacturer, Model,
Firmware, Signal Strength, Network Info.
- Added Javascript sample.
- Optimized speed of sending SMS. Now can send 10-12 messages per min depending
upon network conditions.
1.0 - November 30, 2006
Original Release